Japanese Sword Online Museum

Aoi Art's archives, Every item is no longer available.


Kozuka : Mumei (Kaga)


Kozuka : (NBTHK Hozon Paper)
Mei (signature) : Mumei (Kaga)

Length : 9.73 cm x 1.53 cm ( 3.83 inches x 0.60 inches)
Jidai(era) : Edo period.

Special feature : Shakudo plate, the desgin of Yujyo kill Cho-Joko.
And inlaid with gold and silver.
Yujyo is a assassin, he will kill Cho-Joko on the bridge. But he did not succeed.

AOI estimation paper
NBTHK Hozon Paper
In Kiri box.

Price : 145,000 JPY-
