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Katana : Mumei(unsigned) attributed as Echizen Shinto
2015/01/23 -Katana
Ordering number : 11438 Katana in Shirasaya Signature : Mumei(unsigned) attributed as Echizen Shinto. (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku) This Echizen Shinto belongs to regular ranking. The blade ...
Katana : Mumei
2015/01/22 -Katana
Katana in Shirasaya Signature : Mumei (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku) This belongs to regular saku ranking. The blade was polished. Blade length : 71.3 cm or 28.07 ...
Katana : Mumei (Tegai)
2015/01/22 -Katana
Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae(NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho Paper) Signature : Mumei (Tegai) (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku) This Mumei (Tegai) belongs to Jyojyo saku ranking. Habaki: Gold foiled ...
Katana :Noshu Okachiyama Sanrei ju Matsui Jiichiro Fujiwara Nagasada
2015/01/21 -Katana
Ordering number : 15433 Katana in Shirasaya(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper) Signature :Noshu Okachiyama Sanrei jyu Matsui Jiichiro Fujiwara Nagasada Ryosha Saidan Keio 2nd year New year Bushu Edo Tsuruno nari (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, ...
Katana: Motte Nanbantestu Oite Bushu Edo Echizen Yasutsugu(first generation)
2015/01/20 -Katana
Ordering number : 14548 Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper)(Fuchi: NBTHK Hozon Paper) Signature : Motte Nanbantestu Oite Bushu Edo Echizen Yasutsugu(first generation) Sayagaki: Oite Bushu Edo Echizen Yasutsugu(first generation) Machiokuri Katana, long signature(13 characters). The blackish Echizen ...
Katana: Bizen koku Ju Osafune Sukesada Saku
2015/01/20 -Katana
Ordering number : 13339 Katana in Koshirae(NBTHK Hozon paper) Signature: Bizen koku Ju Osafune Sukesada Saku Eiroku 10 nen ? gatsu hi The blade was polished. habaki:silver and gold foiled double habaki. Blade length : 71.1 cm or 27.99 inches. ...
Katana: Mumei (Sikkake)
2015/01/19 -Katana
Ordering number : 13048 Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae. (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper) Signature:Mumei attributed as Sikkake school. The blade was polished Blade length : 69.2 cm or 27.24 inches. Sori : 1.5 cm or 0.59 inches. Mekugi : 2 ...
Katana: Mumei Shinto Jumyo
2015/01/18 -Katana
Katana in Koshirae. (NBTHK Hozon paper) Signature : Mumei (unsigned) Shinto Jumyo (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku) This sword belongs to ranking. The blade was polished. Habaki : ...
Katana: Mumei (Fujiwara Takada)
Katana in Koshirae(NBTHK Hozon Paper) Signature: Mumei (Fujiwara Takada) The blade was polished. Blade length : 71.51cm or 28.15inches. Sori : 1.2cm or 0.47inches. Mekugi: 2 Width at the hamachi : 2.9cm or 1.14 inches. Width at the Kissaki : ...
Katana: Noshu Seki Zenjo ke Echizen Yoshikado
2015/01/17 -Katana
Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae(NBTHK Hozon paper) for the blade and Fuchi. Signature : Noshu Seki Zenjo ke Echizen Yoshikado (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku JyoJyo saku and regular saku) This Yoshikado belongs ...