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Kozuka: Bunch of the Horses
2014/08/22 -Katana
Ordering Number:F13259 Kozuka: Mei (signature) : Mumei(Unsigned) Length :9.69cm x 1.43cm (3.82inches x 0.56inches) Jidai(era) : Edo period. Special feature: On Shakudou nanakoji blade,bunch of the horses is engraved and inlayed with gold and silver. AOI estimation paper In Kiri ...
Katana:Mumei(Den Nio)
2014/08/21 -Katana
Ordering number : 08218 Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae (NBTHK Hozon Paper) Signature: Mumei (unsigned)(Den Nio) The blade was polished . Blade length : 68.0 cm or 26.77 inches. Sori : 1.8 cm or 0.70 inches. Mekugi: 1 Width at ...
Katana : Inoue Izumi kami Kunisada Discounted!!
2014/08/20 -Katana
Ordering number : 13343 (Consignment Sale) Katana in Shirasaya(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper) Signature: Inoue Izumi kami Kunisada The blade was polished. Blade length : 71.1 cm or 27.99 inches. Sori : 1.0 cm or 0.39 inches. Mekugi: 2 Width at ...
Auto Draft
2014/08/20 -Katana
Katana :(Kikumon)Yasutsugu Motte Nanbantetsu (3rd generation)
2014/08/19 -Katana
Ordering number : 15051 Katana in Shirasaya(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper) Signature :(Kikumon)Yasutsugu Motte Nanbantetsu E(do cut the signature) 3rd generation Edo saku. Explanation: This sword is 3rd generation Yasutsugu. NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token. (We divide 4 sections for each sword ...
Katana : Musashi Ju Hosho Fujiwara Muneharu (Sekido)
2014/08/18 -Katana
Ordering number : 13524 (Consignment Sale) Katana in Shirasaya(NBTHK Hozon Paper) Signature: Musashi Ju Hosho Fujiwara Muneharu (Sekido). The blade was polished. habaki:copper single habaki. Blade length :66.9 cm or 26.34 inches. Sori : 1.4 cm or 0.551inches. Mekugi: 1 ...
Katana : Moritsugu
2014/08/17 -Katana
Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae.(NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho Paper) Signature : Moritsugu Sue-Koto: Chusaku: Chikuzen We list the level of sowrd in four level. The top level is Saijyo Saku followed by Jyojyo Saku, Jyo Saku and Regular Saku. The blade ...
Katana: (Kiku-Mon) Takai Echizen no kami Minamoto Rai Nobuyoshi
2014/08/17 -Katana
Ordering number : 15449(Consignment sale) Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae. (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper) Signature : (Kiku-Mon) Takai Echizen no kami Minamoto Rai Nobuyoshi Shinto : Cyujyosaku Ranking : Wazamono cutting test ranking : Settsu province. The blade was polished ...
Katana : Ikeda Kazuhide Nyudo Ryuken
2014/08/16 -Katana
Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper) Signature : Ikeda Kazuhide Nyudo Ryuken Bunsei 12 nen 8 gatsu Kichijitsu (August lucky day 1829) Shin-shinto, Chu-josaku, Uzen province. (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku ...
Katana : Tanenaga (not guarantee)
2014/08/16 -Katana
Katana in Koshirae Signature : Tanenaga (not guarantee) The blade was polished. Blade length : 71.1 cm or 27.99 inches. Sori : 1.8 cm or 0.70 inches. Mekugi : 1 Width at the hamachi : 2.97 cm or 1.16 inches. ...