Japanese Sword Online Museum

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「Katana」 一覧

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Tsuba: Mumei(Unsigned) Shoki

2014/05/29   -Katana

Ordering number : F15661 Tsuba: Mei (signature) : Mumei(Unsigned) Length : 8.05cm x  7.65cm( 3.17inches x 3.01inches) Thickness of rim: 0.47cm( 0.19inches) Jidai(era) :Edo Period Weight:166g Special feature:Soft edge iron tsuba with Shoki design engraved and inlaid with gold, silver ...

Katana : Hizen Ju Harima Daijyo Fujiwara Tadakuni (17th NBTHK Juyo paper)

2014/05/29   -Katana, Masterpiece

Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae.(17th NBTHK Juyo paper: reissued) Signature : Hizen Ju Harima Daijyo Fujiwara Tadakuni (first generation) Sayagaki was done by Dr Kanzan sensei: #17 Juyo Token sitei Harima Daijyo Fujiwara Tadakuni Dosaku Cyu ? Hacyo 2syaku 1 sun ...

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Katana :Echizen Yasutsugu (2nd) / (Kinzogan(Gold inlay)) Kesa Tabitabi Ochi

2014/05/29   -Katana

Ordering number : 14324 (Consignment sale) Katana in Shirasaya (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper) (Consignment sale) Nihonto Smith Directory Shinto Part(Written by Fujishiro) Page 291 Signature : Echizen Yasutsugu (2nd generation)  (Kinzogan(Gold inlay)) Kesa Tabitabi Ochi Shinto: Jyoskau: Ryowazamono: Echizen The ...

Katana : Hizen Kuni Jyu Fujiwara Tadahiro (Not guarantee signature)

2014/05/27   -Katana

Katana in Koshirae (Not guarantee signature) Signature : Hizen Kuni Jyu Fujiwara Tadahiro (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku) This sword Tadahiro (not guarantee signature) belongs to Jyo saku ...

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Yoroi and Kabuto (Armor) : Mumei (Unsigne)

2014/05/27   -Katana

Ordering number : F15194 Yoroi and Kabuto (Armor) Mei (signature) : Mumei (Unsigne) Jidai(era) : Middle to late Edo period. Kabutobachi : 8 iron plates nice iron color. Shikoro : On the iron plate, black urusinurri. Black color is painted by ...

Katana : Sesshu Fujiwara (Ikakire)

2014/05/26   -Katana

Katana in Shirasaya Signature: Sesshu Fujiwara (Ikakire) The blade was polished Habaki:silver single habaki. Blade length : 67.27 cm or 26.48 inches. Sori : 0.9cm or 0.35 inches. Mekugi: 2 Width at the hamachi : 2.77cm or 1.09 inches. Width ...

Katana : Norinaga 'Signature not guarantee'

2014/05/26   -Katana

Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae (consignment sale) Signature : Norinaga (Signature not guarantee) (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijo saku, Jojo saku Jo saku and regular saku) This sword belongs to Jo saku ranking. The blade is ...

Katana:Mumei (unsigned) attributed as Bishu Osahune Sukesada.

2014/05/25   -Katana

Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae(NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho paper)  Koshirae (mounting) NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicyo Token To-so-gu. Signature :Mumei(unsigned) attributed as Bishu Osahune Sukesada. (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku) ThisMumei(unsigned) ...

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Katana : Mumei (Seki shu dewa Sadatsuna)

2014/05/25   -Katana

Katana : Naniwa ju Gassan Sadakazu Seitan kore

2014/05/23   -Katana

Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae and Sword stand(NBTHK Hozon Paper) Signature : Naniwa ju Gassan Sadakazu Seitan kore Meiji 31 nen 4 gatsu Hi (April 1898) The blade was polished Blade length : 71 cm or 27.95 inches. Sori : ...