Japanese Sword Online Museum

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「Katana」 一覧

Katana: Yamato Kami Yasusada

2014/02/26   -Katana, Masterpiece

Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae. (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper) Signature : Yamato Kami Yasusada (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku, Jyo saku and regular saku) This sword belongs to Jyo-Jyo saku ranking. Sayagaki by ...

Fuchi Kashira: Mino Ju Mitsunaka

2014/02/24   -Katana

Fuchi Kashira: (NBTHK Hozon Paper) Mei (signature) : Mino Ju Mitsunaka Fuchi Length : 3.84 cm x  2.22 cm x 1.14 cm ( 1.51 inchs x 0.87 inches x 0.44 inches) Kashira Length :  3.56 cm x 1.68 cm x 0.85 cm ( 1.40 inchs x ...

Katana : Zuisen Horii Toshihide/Showa 13 Nen Tora 2gatsu kichijitsu

2014/02/24   -Katana

Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae (NBTHK Hozon paper) Signature : Zuisen Horii Toshihide. Showa 13 Nen Tora 2gatsu kichijitsu. The blade was polished. Blade length : 69.7 cm or 27.5 inches. Sori : 1.9 cm or 0.75 inches. Mekugi : ...

Katana Mumei(Bisyu Osafune Sukesada)

2014/02/22   -Katana

Katana in Shirasaya Signature: Mumei(unsigned) attributed as Bisyu Osafune Sukesada. Blade length : 68.0 cm or 26.77 inches. Sori :1.8 cm or 0.7 inches. Kasane :0.56 cm or 0.22 inches. Mekugi: 2 Width at the hamachi : 2.88cm or 1.13 ...

Wakizashi: mumei (unsigned) attributed as Senjyuin

2014/02/22   -Katana

Wakizashi in Shirasaya with Koshirae. (Gurantee: NBTHK Hozon Token) Signature :mumei (unsigned) attributed as Senjyuin. (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijo saku, Jojo saku Jo saku and regular saku) This sword belongs to Jojo saku ranking. The ...

Katana : Mumei (Shinto)

2014/02/21   -Katana

Katana in Koshirae Signature : Mumei (Shinto) The blade was polished. Blade length : 68 cm or 26.77 inches. Sori : 1.3 cm or 0.51 inches. Mekugi : 3 Width at the hamachi : 2.87 cm or 0.51 inches. Width ...

Katana : Mumei (Unsigned) attributed as shinshinto

2014/02/20   -Katana

Katana in Shirasaya Signature: Mumei (Unsigned) attributed as shinshinto The blade was polished. Habaki : Gold foiled single habaki. Blade length : 64.1 cm or 25.23 inches. Sori : 0.9 cm or 0.35 inches. Mekugi:3 Width at the hamachi : ...

Katana : Showa 6 nen 3 Gatsu kichijitsu Gassan Sadakatsu Kinsaku (March 1931)

2014/02/20   -Katana

Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae.(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper) Signature : Showa 6 nen 3 Gatsu kichijitsu Gassan Sadakatsu Kinsaku (March 1931) For Matsuie family protection. Showa Oosaka. (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku ...

Katana Mumei(Sue Tegai )

2014/02/19   -Katana

Katana in Koshirae.(Guarantee: NBTHK Hozon paper) Signature : Mumei(unsigned) attributed as Sue Tegai school. (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular sakuThis sword belongs to regular ranking. The blade was polished. ...

Katana : Bishu Osafune Sukesada

2014/02/19   -Katana

Katana in Shirasaya(NBTHK Hozon Paper) Signature: Bishu Osafune Sukesada Eisho 4nen 2 gatsu Hi (February 1507) The blade was polished. Blade length : 62.12 cm or 24.45 inches. Sori : 2.1 cm or 0.82 inches. Mekugi: 2 Width at the ...