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Katana: Mumei (Shizu)(59th NBTHK Juyo Paper)
2014/03/29 -Katana, Masterpiece
Katana in Shirasaya (59th NBTHK Juyo Paper) Signature : Mumei (Shizu) (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku) This Mumei (Shizu) belongs to Saijyo saku ranking. The blade was polished. ...
Katana: Osaka Gassan Sadakatsu Kouki 2600 Nen Kinen
2014/03/25 -Katana, Masterpiece
Katana in Shirasaya Signature : Osaka Gassan Sadakatsu Kouki 2600 Nen Kinen (anniversary of 2600th year from Kouki started) (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijo saku, Jojo saku, Jo saku and regular saku) This sword belongs to ...
Tachi : Bishu Osafune Tsuneie (gold inlay)
2014/03/19 -Katana, Masterpiece
Tachi in Shirasaya (23th NBTHK Juyo Paper) Signature : Bishu Osafune Tsuneie Ouei 28nen 10gatu hi (Kinzogan : gold inlay) Hutatsu do Setudan Teikyo 2nen 10gatsu 19 hi Yamano Kanjyu-ro Hisahide (Kao). The blade was polished. Blade length : 69.6 ...
Katana: Mumei attributed as Aoe school The 13th Juyo Token paper
2014/03/17 -Katana, Masterpiece
Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae. (#13th Juyo Token paper) (consignment sale) Signature : Mumei (unsigned) attributed as Aoe school (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijo saku, Jojo saku, Jo saku and regular saku) This sword belongs to ...
Katana: Hizen Kuni Tadayoshi
2014/03/16 -Katana, Masterpiece
Katana in Shirasaya. Signature : Hizen Kuni Tadayoshi. Shinto : Saijyo saku ranking : Saijyo Oowazamono cutting test ranking : Hizen province. (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku) This ...
Masterpiece:Oumi no kami Takagi Ju Sukenao saku
2014/03/16 -Katana, Masterpiece
Katana in Shirasaya (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper) Signature:Oumi no kami Takagi Ju Sukenao saku Shinto : Jyojyosaku ranking:Settsu province:Ryo wazamono. The blade was polished. Habaki:Gold foiled double habaki. Blade length : 74.9 cm or 29.48 inches. Sori : 1.2 cm ...
Katana: Yamato Kami Yasusada
2014/02/26 -Katana, Masterpiece
Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae. (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper) Signature : Yamato Kami Yasusada (We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku, Jyo saku and regular saku) This sword belongs to Jyo-Jyo saku ranking. Sayagaki by ...
Naginata : Hizen koku Kawachi Daijo Fujiwara Masahiro (25th NBTHK Juyo Paper)
2014/02/08 -Masterpiece, Naginata・etc.
Naginata in Shirasaya(25th NBTHK Juyo Paper) Signature: Hizen koku Kawachi Daijo Fujiwara Masahiro Kanbun 4 nen 2 gatsu Kichijitsu (February 1664) The blade was polished. Blade length : 40.5 cm or 15.94 inches. Sori : 2.7 cm or 1.06 inches. ...
Katana : Kanemoto 'the 2nd generation, Magoroku the frist'
2014/02/05 -Katana, Masterpiece
Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae. (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper) (consignment sale) Signature : Kanemoto (the second generation, Magoroku the 1st) Sue koto : Saijo saku ranking : Saijo Oowazamono cutting test : Mino province. Sayagaki by Tanobe sensei : Noshu ...
Katana : Kunihiro (Shinto, Saijosaku, Owazamono)
2014/02/02 -Katana, Masterpiece
Katana in Shirasaya(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper) Signature : Kunihiro (Shinto, Saijosaku, Owazamono, Yamashiro province) Sayagaki 1: Horikawa Kunihiro 2ji Zaimei Shin * nari. Hacho 2shaku 1sun 5bu ari kore. Showa Kanotoi Yayoi Kanzan Shirusu. (Kao) (This blade was made by ...