Japanese Sword Online Museum

Aoi Art's archives, Every item is no longer available.

Katana Wakizashi

Dai Sho : Kiyomitsu and Sukesada

Ordering number : 14305

Dai Sho : Kiyomitsu and Sukesada
(NBTHK Hozon Paper) for each


Dai : Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae
(NBTHK Hozon Paper)

Signature : Bizen koku Osafune Gozaemon jo Kiyomitsu
Kyoroku 5 nen 2 gatsu kichijitsu(1532)

The blade was polished.
Habaki : double gold foiled Habaki
Blade length : 67.0 cm or 26.37 inches.
Sori : 1.4 cm or 0.55 inches.
Mekugi :1
Width at the hamachi : 3.01 cm or 1.18 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 1.98 cm or 0.77 inches.
Kasane : 0.75 cm or 0.29 inches.
Era : Late Muromachi period.
Shape : Rather wide shape with regular thickness.
Jitetsu : Itame hada with mixture of mokume hada. with Jinie attached.
Hamon : Niedeki Suguha. The boshi is round ended.

Special feature : Bizen koku Osafune Gozaemon jo Kiyomitsu was a student of Kiyomitsu school.
He served under Mori Motonari. Especially, Gorozaemon jo Kiyomitsu and Magouemon jo Kiyomitsu is most famous sword smith. The Zokumyo engraving is very rare. It is difficult to find that one.
This sword was made Kyoroku 5 year(1532). this is older blade than normal Sue-Koto blade.
This blade is very valuable. Gozaemon jo Jutinusry is best blade in Kiyomitsu's blades.
This blade is looks like Tadamitsu. This Jigane and Hamon is very nice.

Koshirae :
Tsuba : Mokko shaped iron Tsuba, rhombus design with gold color.
Fuchikashira : Shakudo nanako plate, the flower is engraved with gold color.
Saya : Inro kizami saya
Menuki : On the solid gold, the horse is engraved.


Sho : Wakizashi in Shirasaya with Koshirae
(NBTHK Hozon Paper)

Signature : Bishu Osafune … (Sukesada)
Tenbun 6…(1538)

The blade was polished.
Habaki : double gold color Habaki
Blade length : 51.6 cm or 20.31 inches.
Sori : 1.7 cm or 0.66 inches.
Mekugi : 2
Width at the hamachi : 3.05 cm or 1.20 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 2.05 cm or 0.80 inches.
Kasane : 0.63 cm or 0.24 inches.
Era : late Muromachi period.
Shape : Suriage
Jitetsu : Itame hada with mixture of mokume hada. with Jinie and Utsuri attached.
Hamon : Niedeki Suguha with Ko-Ashi and Yo. Some part is double Hamon.
The boshi is round ended.

Special feature : Bishu Osafune Sukesada is called as mass productive items during war time Muromachi era. The sword has passed more than 480 years which has been keeping in good condition from generation to generation. This blade is Suriage. But this is nice shape.

Koshirae :
Tsuba : Mokko shape iron Tsuba, rhombus design with gold color.
Fuchikashira : Shakudo nanako plate, the flower is engraved with gold color.
Saya : Inro kizami saya
Menuki : On the solid gold, the horse is engraved.
Kozuka : On the copper plate, Shishi-mai is engraved with gold color.
Kogatana : Mino kai Masatsune.


Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata.
NBTHK Hozon Paper

Price (credit card) : JPY 1,950,000-.
Price (bank transfer) : JPY 1,920,000-. (Would you please pay bank transfer fee.)
(including shipping and 100% insurance fee)



-Katana, Wakizashi