Set of tosogu
Daisho Tsuba:Seitei (Aizu Shoami school)
Ordering number : F12058
Daisho Tsuba:
Mei (signature) : Seitei (Aizu Shoami school)
Large (Dai):Length : 7.93 cm x 7.34 cm ( 3.12 inches x 2.88 inches)
Thickness of rim: 0.43 cm ( 0.16 inches)
Small (Sho): Length : 7.3 cm x 6.55 cm ( 2.87 inches x 2.57 inches)
Thickness of rim: 0.41cm ( 0.16 inches)
Jidai(era) : Edo Period.
Special feature: On the iron plate Tsuba, wave, trees etc are engraved with gold,silver and cooper color iroe.
This is old and nice condition Tsuba.
AOI estimation paper.
In Kiri box.
Price: JPY 120,000-. (including shipping and 100% insurance fee)

-Set of tosogu