Japanese Sword Online Museum

Aoi Art's archives, Every item is no longer available.

Set of tosogu

Futatokoro-mono : Mumei (Kyo-Kinko)


Futatokoro-mono : Kozuka, Kogai
Mei (Signature) : Mumei (Kyo-Kinko)

Kogai : Length : 21.5 cm x 1.30 cm (8.46 inches x 0.51 inches)
Kozuka : Length : 9.71 cm x 1.47 cm (3.82 inches x 0.57 inches)

Jidai(era) : Edo Period
Special feature : Kurikara dragon sword motifed on Kougai and Kozuka.
Kurikara dragon sword is held by right hand of Budda named Acala, having faith in Tantric Buddhism (Vajrayana).
Kogai, Kozuka : On the Shakudou nanakoji, Kurikara dragon sword is engraved and with gold and silver color.

AOI estimation paper
In Kiri box.

Price : JPY 155,000-.

-Set of tosogu