Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae (NBTHK Hozon Paper)
Signature:Tsuneie saku (Osafune)
The blade was polished
Habaki:Gold foiled single habaki.
Blade length : 63.03 cm or 24.81 inches.
Sori : 1.8 cm or 0.7 inches.
Width at the hamachi : 2.82 cm or 1.11 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 1.78 cm or 0.7 inches.
Kasane : 0.59 cm or 0.23 inches.
Era :Ouei to Eisho era.
Shape : The blade is regular sized with deep sori nice looking shape.
Jitetsu :Koitame hada and mokume hada mixed with jinie attach and small openings and also loose hada but not so bad.
Hamon : Niedeki suguha with ashi urumi gokoro hamon and round boshi with urumi.
Special feature : Tsuneie was working frome Ouei to Eisho era.
I think the blade is Eisho era.
The blade has small openings and loose hada but not so bad.
The blade has passed more than 500 years or more.
Samurai had kept so long time as his family treasure.
Koshirae :
Tsuba :On the mokko style copper plate, some leaves are engraved. Mei (signeature) : Soumin (kao).
Fuchikashira :On the iron plate, flowers are engraved with gold color.
Saya : Brown red color kizami saya.
Menuki : On the Shakudo plate, sea shells are engraved:Komino school nice item.
NBTHK Hozon paper.
Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata.
Price (credit card) : JPY 350,000-.
Bank transfer : Would you please pay bank transfer fee.
(including shipping and 100% insurance fee)