Japanese Sword Online Museum

Aoi Art's archives, Every item is no longer available.


Katana :(Kikumon)Yasutsugu Motte Nanbantetsu (3rd generation)

Ordering number : 15051

Katana in Shirasaya(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper)

Signature :(Kikumon)Yasutsugu Motte Nanbantetsu E(do cut the signature) 3rd generation Edo saku.
Explanation: This sword is 3rd generation Yasutsugu. NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token.
(We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku
Jyo saku and regular saku)
This Yasutsugu belongs to Jyojyo ranking.
The blade was polished by good polisher.
Blade length : 64.3 cm or 25.31 inches.
Sori : 0.63cm or 0.24 inches.
Mekugi : 2
Width at the hamachi : 2.975cm or 1.17 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 2.1cm or 0.82 inches.
Kasane : 0.63cm or 0.24 inches.
Era : Edo period Kanbun era.
Shape : The blade is about 3cm suriage and Machiokuri nakago.
Jitetsu :Itame had well grained with jinie attach
beautiful typical Yasutsugu jigane(texture)
Hamon : Niedeki siguha with thick nioikuch and soft feeling Habuchi.
Boshi is thick round shape hakikake and turns back yakisage style.

Special feature : First generation Yasutsugu was named Higo Daijyo and served for Yuki family in Echizen province. At keicyo era, He was called to Edo castle by Tokugawa Ieyasu and Hidetada and ordered to make a sword. He made splendid sword in front of them and awarded
highly -valued sword and also permitted to make swords using Aoi family crest on his sword and also one character Yasu from Tokugawa Ieyasu. From that period He made sword each year at Echizen and
next year at Edo .At Echizen he made sword as showing Echizen Jyu and at Edo he showed Busyu Edo on the tang.
generally 2nd Yasutsugi made sword rather wildish feeling and 3rd generation is mild soft feeling sword.
This sword looks Musashi Daijyo Tadahiro middle suguha hamon.
The blade is wonderful jigane and hamon.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper
Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata.

Price : 800,000 JPY- (including shipping and 100% insurance fee)
