Signature : Bizen Osafune Toshimitsu.
Shitoku 2 nen 8 gatsu Hi (August 1385)
middle Koto: Cyujyo saku ranking:Bizen school.
(We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku
Jyo saku and regular saku)
This Bizen Osafune Toshimitsu belongs to Jyo Saku ranking.
The blade was polished.
habaki:silver single habaki.
Blade length : 76.4 cm or 30.07 inches.
Sori : 2.1 cm or 0.82 inches.
Mekugi : 4
Width at the hamachi : 3.0 cm or 1.18 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 2.03 cm or 0.79 inches.
Kasane : 0.6 cm or inches.
Era :Late Nanbokucyo period. 1383-1386
Shape : The blade is long and about 3cm suriage and Machiokuri nakago.
The blade is regular width,and thickness with deep sori elegant shape.
Jitetsu :Koitame hada and komolume hada well grained
with jinie attach beautiful texture and Utsauri appear.
Hamon : Niedeki notare gunome and cyoji midare mixed and sunagashi,
kinsuji worrk in Hamon. boshi is round shape.
Special feature : Bisyu Osafune Toshimitsu was working
at late Nanbokucyo oeriod which stream of the great nagamitsu.
He was a son of the Toshimitsu.
He belongs to Kozori school.
The blade has kept about 600 years which is precious sword.
NBTHK Hozon Paper
Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata.