Katana: Higo Koku Ju Akamatsu Taro Mitsuhiro saku
Katana in Shirasaya
Signature : Higo Koku Ju Akamatsu Taro Mitsuhiro saku
Utsuchi Kiyomaro Heisei 21 nen 10 gatsu Kichijitsu
(Copy of Kiyomaro, Lucky day, October 2009)
(We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku
Jyo saku and regular saku)
This Akamatsu Taro Mitsuhiro belongs to Jyojyo ranking.
The blade was polished.
Blade length : 75.0 cm or 29.5 inches.
Sori : 2.0 cm or 0.78 inches.
Mekugi: 1
Width at the hamachi: 3.74 cm or 1.47 inches.
Width at the Kissaki: 3.22 cm or 1.26 inches.
Kasane: 0.81 cm or 0.31 inches.
Era: Modern ages
Shape: Very wide, thick and long blade having huge Kissaki with well balanced curve.
Jitetsu: Koitame-hada well grained with Jinie attached. Clear and beautiful Jigane.
Hamon: Nie-deki Gonome-midare and Choji-midare mixture wavy Hamon with long Ashi. Saryu and Kinsuji works very well.
Special feature: Akamatsu Taro school are making many Kiyomaro style swords. They make their original Tamahagane ans having very high skills.
This sword has a signature 'copy of Kiyomaro' in stem of the blade. The work of Hamon is very active just like as Kiyomaro's blades.
Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata.