Japanese Sword Online Museum

Aoi Art's archives, Every item is no longer available.


Katana : Mumei (Tametsugu)


Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae. (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper)

Signature : Mumei (Tametsugu)

The blade was polished
Habaki:gold foiled double habaki.
Blade length : 68.7 cm or 27.04 inches.
Sori : 1.7 cm or 0.66 inches.
Mekugi : 2
Width at the hamachi :2.94 cm or 1.15 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 2.04cm or 0.80 inches.
Kasane : 0.65 cm or 0.25 inches.
Era : Nanbokucyo period.
Shape : The blade is oosuriage mumei(cut shortened).
Regular size Katana with deep Sori. Kissaki is a little bit long.
On both side, there are Bohi.
Jitetsu :Itame hada and Mokume hada mix with Jinie and Chikei.
This Jigane looks like Matsukawa hada.
Hamon : Niedeki Gunome Midare and Oo-Gunome Midare.
Deep Nioikuchi. In Ha, there are many Sunagashi and long Kinsuji.

Special feature : Tametsugu is reported as a son of the Go Yoshihiro
and studied under the Norishige.
His subjects are gunome midair with thick nioikuchi ooitame hada.
This blade is best quality in his work. It looks like Go Yoshihiro's blade.
There are many long Kinsuji in Ha. This blade is masterpiece of Soshu-den. We strongly recommend this blade.

Koshirae : horse design.
Tsuba : round shape Shakudo nanako Tsuba with horse design.
There is a signature Ishiburo Masachika (kao). The rim is covered with gold.
Fuchikashira :On Shakudo nanako plate, horse is engraved with gold color.
There is a signature Otsuki Korin (kao).
Saya : Kairagi saya.
Menuki : On Shakudo plate, horse is engraved with gold color.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper
Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata.

Price : 1,750,000 JPY-
