Katana : Tajima Kami Hojoji Tachibana Sadakuni
Katana in Shirasaya, with Koshirae. (NBTHK 42th Juyo Token)
Signature : Tajima Kami Hojoji Tachibana Sadakuni.
The blade was polished by the top ranking sword polisher.
The Jigane is bright blackish slightly blu nice fantastic color jigane.
Habaki : Gold foiled double habaki
Blade length : 75.42 cm or 29.69 inches.
Sori : 1.5 cm or 0.59 inches.
Mekugi : 1
Width at the hamachi : 3.10 cm or 1.22 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 2.23 cm or 0.87 inches.
Kasane : 0.72 cm or 0.28 inches.
Weight of only blade : 790 gram.
Era : Early Edo period.
Shape : The blade is wide and thick with small sori and longer kissaki.
Jitetsu : Ko-Itame hada well grained with jinie attach beautiful texture.
Hamon : Niedeki gunome midair like Jyuzu ba hamon with ashi.
In Ha, there are sunagashi and kinsuji scatter.
Kissaki is Notare and round shape.
Special feature : Tajima Kami Hojyoji Tachibana Sadakuni was working at Edo as Edo Hojyoji school.
From the shape of the sword, the blade is older than Kanbun era probably Kanei era.
At Edo, many swords makers like Hojyoji school were working by Masahiro, Yoshitsugu, Masateru Kaneshige
and Kotetsu. Hojyoji Tachibana Sadakuni is very similar hamon like Kotetsu Jyuzuba hamon.
According to the old sword judges, Kotetu is very similar with Sadakuni.
I think probably he was aquatinted with each other.
This sword is very attractive Jyuzuba hamon with sunagashi and kinsuji which remind us Kotetsu.
The blade is polished by one of the best polisher which is blackish slightly blue color nice Jigane.
The sword was selected as #42 Jyuyo Token.
According to the explanation of the Jyuyo zufu.
Hojyoji school was working at Kanbun to Enpo era and produced a lot of famous sword makers.
According to the data of the Tajima Kami Hojyoji Tachibana Sadakuni, exists Manji 3rd August
so it is remarkable point which means he made sword earlier date of Kanbun era.
He was working at the same time like Hojoji Masahiro.
Koshirae : Higo Koshirae.
Tsuba : On the mokko style iron Tsuba, dragon and clouds are painting with gold color.
Fuchikashira : On the iron plate, dragon and clouds are painting by gold color.
Saya : Dark brown cloer Ishimeji style.
Menuki : A shish dog is engraved by syakudo plate with gold color.
NBTHK 42th Juyo Token
Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata.
Price : 3,500,000 JPY-