Kozuka : Goto Mitsufumi (Kao)
Kozuka : (NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho Paper)
Mei (signature) : Goto Mitsufumi (Kao)
Length : 9.71 cm x 1.45 cm ( 3.82 inches x 0.57 inches)
Jidai(era) : Late Edo period.
Hako Gaki : Shakudo Nanakoji Kinmon Takabori Iroe Kinkobuchi Suemon Goto Mitsufumi (Unsure)
Showa Kinotomi Shoka Kanzan Shi
Special feature : Shakudo nanakoji plate with Tanabata(the Star Festival) design engraved and inlaid with gold.
Kaji leaf and wound yam is representing design of the festival.
Goto Mitsufumi is legitimate son of Mitsuyuki and is a second cousin of Mitsuyuki.
He has studied under Ichijyo with Araki Tomei.
This piece has truly beautiful gold inlay design and the Nanako-Ji is also refined nice work. We recommend you this work.
NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho Paper
AOI estimation paper
In Kiri box.
Price : 380,000 JPY-
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