(We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku
Jyo saku and regular saki)This sword belongs to Jojo saku ranking.
The blade was polished
Habaki :gold foiled single habaki.
Blade length : 38.5 cm or 15.15 inches.
Sori : 0.0 cm or 0 inches.
Mekugi : 1
Width at the hamachi : 2.63 cm or 1.03 inches.
Kasane : 0.6 cm or 0.23 inches.
Era : Edo period, around Tenna era(1681-1683)
Shape : Nice shape Naginata.
Jitetsu : Ko-Itame Hada and Mokume Hada well grained.
Hamon : Nie Deki Suguha, there are many Ko-Ashi. Boshi is Hakikake style.
Special feature : He was a son of Horikawa Kunitake whose name is Kawade Ichidaiyu.
He was a son of the Horikawa Kunitake who’s master Horikawa kunihiro.
Kunihiro was a descendant of the Sanjyo Yoshinori.
He moved from Kyoto to Edo.
His swords are well reputation of nice cut well sword.
This blade has some soft Ko-Ashi and look similar to Rai Kunitoshi at the first glance.
We guarantee NBTHK Hozon Paper (The paper is NOT issued yet).
Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata.