Tetsu Kurourushinuri 16 Kan Akodagata Suji Kabuto
Tetsu Kurourushinuri 16 Kan Akodagata Suji Kabuto
Mei (signature) : Mumei
Jidai(era) : Edo period
Special feature :
Kabuto : Kurourushinuri 16 plates Akoda Suji Kabuto, Shikoro is 5 plates.
It is typical Akodagata and it is in excellent shape.
Menpo : Kurourushinuri Menpo, the back is black too.
Maetate : A copper crane shape Maedate colored. It is nice condition Maedate.
Kabuto stand
Aoi-Art estimation paper.
Price : 350,000 JPY-
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