Japanese Sword Online Museum

Aoi Art's archives, Every item is no longer available.

Masterpiece Wakizashi

Wakizashi : Mumei attributed as Hatakeda Moriie


Wakizashi in Shirasaya, with Koshirae (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper)

Signature:Mumei attributed as (Hatakeda Moriie)

Koto:Saijyo saku(the top ranking swordsmith) Bizen Fukuoka Ichimonji Hatakeda school.
The blade was polished by high ranking polisher.
Habaki : Gold foiled double habaki.
Blade length : 48.07 cm or 18.92 inches.
Sori : 1.21 cm or 0.47 inches.
Mekugi : 3
Width at the hamachi : 2.82 cm or 1.11 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 1.96 cm or 0.77 inches.
Kasane : 0.56 cm or 0.22 inches.
Era : Middle Kamakuta period.Syogen era 1259(754 years ago)
Shape : The blade is oosuriage mumei(cut shortened) ob both sides has Bo-Hi and soehi are engraved.
The blade is wide and thick with longer kissaki.
Jitetsu : Itame hada and mokume hada mixed with jinie attach and clear Utsuri appear.
Hamon : konie deki Cyjijo midair and Jyuka cyoji midair mixed and in Ha there are many ash, Yo work.
Boshi is midarekomi style.

Special feature : Hatakeda Moriie is a son of the Fukuoka Ichimonji school Morichika.
He was called Hatakeda Moriie because he lived in Hatakeda village.
At Bizen, good iron sand was produced at the Yoshii river and mountains of Okayama.
A lot of sword makers made marvelous swords for a long period from Heian period to late Muromachi period.
But spate of the river Yosii, suffered catastrophic damage and also the end of the civil wars, Bizen school headed for decline.
This blade is very attractive Ichimonji utsuri and gorgeous Cyoji midair hamon.
Many Daimyo and high ranking Samurai loved this kind of sword because the name is
mentioned as Moriie which means the sword guard the house and family from disaster and misfortune.
The condition of the blade is pretty good and recommend the sword for you.

Koshirae :
Tsuba : On the round shaped syakudo nanako plate, Japanese wisteria are engraved with gold color.
Fuchikashira : On the syakudo nanako plate, 2 shish dogs are engraved with gold color.
Saya : Black roiro saya.
Menuki : On the syakudo nanako plate, a shish dog is engraved with gold color.
Kozuka : On the syakudo nanako plate, a shish dog is playing with bobbin.
Kogatana : Ban Nyudo Kazekazu saki:Hamon is gunome midair with togari gunome mixed.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper
Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata.

Price (credit card) : JPY 1,700,000-.

-Masterpiece, Wakizashi