Wakizashi : Mumei - Kanbun Shinto
Wakizashi in Koshirae
Signature : Mumei
The blade was polished.
Blade length : 53.8cm or 2.18 inches.
Sori : 0.7 cm or 0.27 inches.
Mekugi : 1
Width at the hamachi : 2.91 cm or 1.15 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 1.93 cm or 0.75 inches.
Kasane : 0.7 cm or 0.27 inches.
Era : Edo period circa Kanbun
Shape : It is wide and thick regular sori and shallow sori. It is the shape of Kanbun Shinto.
Jitetsu : Koitame hada well grained with dense jigane.
Hamon : Konie structure suguha with tight hamon.
Boshi is midarekomi style and is round ended.
Special feature : From the shape it is Kanbun Shinto shape however, the jigane and boshi hamon,
it is most likely made in late Muromachi period like Sue Tegai sword.
The nakago shape is shinto shape so it could be attributed as sword of Takada group.
Koshirae :
Tsuba : Round shape iron tsuba with wild goose deisgn engraved. Mid Edo Period
Fuchikashira : Shakudo muji plate with maple leaf engraved and inlayed with gold.
Saya : Black ishimeji saya.
Menuki : Shakudo plate with some kind of patterns engraved and inlayed with gold.
Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata.